Sunday, March 18, 2012

Well Hello Again.......

I have been a bad bad blogger. A little over a year ago, I started this blog with the intention of posting a couple times a week. And then a year ago this week, we announced we were pregnant with our third child. Life since then has well, been busy. I started a couple of posts but alas nothing I deemed worthy of forcing you to read.
Much has happened obviously. Matt is so busy, not only with work but trying to push through the last leg of his degree. Maggie is blossoming into a beautiful, funny, and smart young lady. We are currently getting her prepared to start kindergarten in the fall. Jack is truly a pleasure of a child. He is learning so much every day, starting to speak more and more (I feared he would never start), and loves nothing more giving hugs and making people laugh. And that pregnancy I announced? It was a pleasure, so easy that there were days I would never have known I was pregnant if it wasn't for the HUGE belly that prevented me from wearing socks and shoes that tied for the last 5 months or so. After a super easy labor and delivery, we were given the best surprise ever. Henry was born October 28th. He is just a lovely baby. His smiles and giggles are so addictive, thank goodness he seems to have an endless supply.
I feel like I am in control again of my time and so hopefully I will be consistant with this blog. If all else fails and no one reads it or people actually do but don't get anything out of it, atleast I will feel better for having poured my not always sane rants out.


  1. I think it is great. Please continue to share your thoughts with us. :-)
