Friday, March 4, 2011

You will regret the day you told me that I should write my thoughts down.

     A friend mentioned yesterday on Facebook that she was thinking of writing a blog. The thought has crossed my mind many times, but like a lot of stuff I intend to to do, it never got very far. But all day the idea has stuck around. I do have a lot to say and who wouldn't be interested in my semi sane rambling. And if no one reads it then fine. Atleast it may prove to be therapeutic, right? Perhaps a challenge to follow through with something will be good for me.
     So this shall be my blog. Life in This House could be misleading, I do not intend to give you a minute by minute play of what my kids do on a daily basis (they will come up, after all they are my everything). Think of this house as a summarization (that may or may not be a word) of me as a whole. I may share a story with you about my little family, relationships, my thoughts on current going ons, a memory, or perhaps something I just made up. I don't want to set a theme because I don't want to be limited.
     I will promise you (and myself) that I will write in here 2 days a week, perhaps more and never less. I promise to be as honest as I am capable of being. And I promise to never intentionally attack someone just for the sake of being mean. I may or may not be able to keep that last one but I will try.
     I do not promise to use proper english and use spell check on a regular basis. Please don't point out my mistakes, I don't care. I do not promise to keep it clean. Anyone that knows me knows profanity is a daily struggle. I will not just write an unnecessary string of curse words just for giggles but it's going to come up here and there.
     And so here we go. To everyone who has ever told me that I should write that down, I hope I don't disappoint. And to everyone else who just happened across this, I hope you stick around.


  1. Way to go, Cooper! Never a dull day in Your House.

  2. love it Copper! Here is mine:
